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Veggie Thai curry

I made this recipe up after my oven almost decided to set a Thai curry from Sainsbury's on fire! The meal was spoiled enough to dissaude me from eating it, and having already cooked the noodles I decided to make up my own. I think it would be improved if you added lemongrass, but never having tried that's just a guess! You can add some chili - either fresh or powder - to make the curry hotter if you like.


  1.  Roughly chop the red pepper (capsicum), chop the broccoli into bite-size florets, slice the mushrooms, crush the garlic, and finely chop the spring onions.
  2.  Cook the noodles according to their instructions. Meanwhile, heat some sunflower or vegetable oil in a large saucepan or wok and add the pepper, broccoli, mushrooms, sweetcorn, spring onions and garlic. (Try to time starting the sauce so that the vegetables are still a bit crunchy by the time you're ready to serve up).
  3.  Add the spices, soy sauce, and tomato puree. Add the creamed coconut and enough boiling water to make a creamy, but fairly runny, sauce. Stir for 2-3 mins until the noodles are ready.
  4. Serve the sauce on top of the noodles in bowls and garnish with plenty of fresh coriander (cilantro).
Serves 2

Suepages :   © Sue Thomas :   Cambridge, August 2000